Our experienced agents, holders of qualifications (CAMARI, RP, SCN, CSQ, ADR n ° 7, PCR, ...) and COFRENDS, COSAC, CENE, and IWT certifications allow us to offer a full range of skills in non destructive testing and industrial inspection. Our organization has COFREND level 2 and 3 techniques in all the NDTs offered by ECW.

For example:

Detention authorizations
We are authorized to hold radioactive sources and to use them in order to provide services for our customers on our premises or with our customers.
- Status: Valid

Certification #3-1785
Sites and scope available on www.cofrac.fr
Conformity assessment standards
This International Standard contains requirements for the competence of bodies carrying out inspections, and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.
It applies to type A, B or C inspection bodies, as defined in this International Standard and at any stage of the inspection.
- Status: Valid

UTO / CAS1 certification
The EDF Operational Technical Unit (UTO) is an entity in charge of the selection, qualification and monitoring of external companies involved in the supply of services or materials for EDF.
As such, it notably carries out audits of the quality management system of EDF suppliers.
It also awards UTO certification, which allows a supplier to operate on EDF production sites.
- Status: In progress / Valid (CAS1)

Quality management systems
This International Standard specifies the requirements for the quality management system when an organization: must demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services in accordance with customer and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and aims to increase the customer satisfaction through effective application of the system, including processes for system improvement and ensuring compliance with customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
All the requirements of this International Standard are generic and intended to apply to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
- Status: Valid

Nuclear handling certification
The CEFRI committee, through their certificate “E”, provides the capacity to carry out work under ionising radiation and to meet applicable regulatory requirements.
This recognition is based on the devices put in place to continuously comply with the requirements of the CEFRI specification E, and especially medical and dosimetric monitoring and staff training.
- Status: Valid

Transport agreement
ADR is a abbreviation of « European Agrement for international transport of dangerous goods by road”.
This agreement contains several rules regarding the carriage by road, packaging, cargo securing and tracking of dangerous goods.
ADR transports are transports involving dangerous goods.
- Status: Valid

Aeronautical and Space Certification
EN 9100 is a European standard describing a quality assurance system for the aeronautics and space market.
Specific to the aeronautics sector, the EN 9100 certification (EN9110, EN9120) is based on ISO 9001.
- Status: In progress